This man Hang himself at Domawa in the Wa West District near Dorimon closser to Gbache

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 🕯️ Tragic Discovery in Domawa Community: Help Needed to Identify Deceased 🕯️

Greetings, dear community members,

It is with heavy hearts and a deep sense of sorrow that we come to you today to share a devastating incident that has occurred in our beloved Domawa Community. In the midst of our close-knit town, an unknown man has been found deceased, having taken his life through self-inflicted means in the nearby bush.

The discovery was made by a compassionate Fulani man who was tending to his cattle in the area. The lifeless body was found hanging, and upon this grim discovery, the authorities were alerted immediately. The Wa West police, along with the Assembly member and the Units Committee of Domawa, responded promptly to the situation.

Our first and foremost duty now is to identify the deceased and inform any relatives or loved ones who may be searching for him. We understand that this is a sensitive and difficult task, but we firmly believe that our united community can bring solace to those who might be mourning the loss of a family member or friend.

We appeal to the general public, both within and beyond Domawa, to come forward and assist in identifying the deceased. If you know of any missing person who matches the description or if you have any information that could help us in this endeavor, we implore you to reach out to the authorities or visit Domawa to provide details. Every piece of information, no matter how small it may seem, could be crucial in this process.

This tragic incident serves as a reminder that we must come together as a community, supporting and looking out for one another. If anyone you know is going through a difficult time, please extend a helping hand, lend a listening ear, and encourage them to seek professional help. Mental health matters, and it is essential to raise awareness about the importance of mental well-being.

Let us also take this moment to express our gratitude to the Fulani man who discovered the body. His timely intervention helped ensure that the necessary authorities were informed promptly. It is in times of adversity that the true strength of a community is revealed, and we stand united in the face of this tragedy.

As we come to terms with this distressing event, let us offer our prayers and thoughts to the departed soul. May he find peace and solace in the afterlife.

We will provide further updates on this matter as we receive more information. For now, let us join hands in this difficult task of identifying the deceased and supporting those who may have lost a loved one.

With heartfelt condolences,

The Domawa Community


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